Our events are starting to be posted on Meetup, a popular website which offers a staggering number of opportunities to, well, meet up with others who share your interests. It has already become popular in other ADK chapters and is a great way to attract new members.
Meetup for Participants
To sign up for Meetup:
- Go to
- Click Sign-up
- Then, join ADK-Niagara Frontier Chapter (and any other groups which may interest you!). Join by using the link or search for “ADK-Niagara Frontier Chapter”
You will be able to see more opportunities to get outside as time goes on! Meetup will automatically notify you went there is a new ADK-NFC Event. When you see one that interests you, click Attend
Meetup for Trip Leaders
Creating an Event
Approved Trip Leaders will be given Event Organizer privileges in the ADK-Niagara Frontier Chapter Meetup Group.
To create an Event:
- Go to
- Click Create -> Create a New Event
- Fill out a Title
- Set the Date, Time, Duration of the Event.
- Upload a Featured Photo
- Create a Description of the event. The description should include the following information:
Gear Required – 10 essentials, PFD, etc
Amount of food & water required
Anticipated weather
Trailhead or launch location
Logistics – shuttles, parking, etc
Distance, elevation, & pace
ADK Trip Rating, see Outing and Trip Leader’s Guide - Add a Venue
- Ask members a question (optional) – questions can be used to screen participants
- Attendee Limit – all events should have a limit that adheres to the rules and regulations of the event location.
- Allow guests (optional) – ADK-NFC allows guests and non-members to attend events, this is up to the trip leader if they want to allow a non-Meetup, non-ADK member to attend.
- Publish your Event
Managing an Event
After the Event is published, trip leaders will be able to manage their event using Organizer Tools within the Event page such as:
- Manage Attendees – See who is attending and download participant list.
- Contact Attendees – Send an e-mail to all attendees using Meetup
- Close RSVP
- Edit Event
- Cancel Event
For more information see, Meetup Documentation Creating and managing events