Niagara Frontier Chapter
Explore. Educate. Protect.
Our Chapter
Join one of the many hiking, bicycling, or paddling outings held throughout the year and lead by ADK trip leaders.
Our monthly meetings are an opportunity to learn from local outdoor leaders and experts. We also host training class on topics such as Wilderness First Aid, Leave No Trace, and paddling safety.
Our conservation committee is deeply involved in local and regional conservation efforts.
“The preservation of a few samples of undeveloped territory is one of the most clamant issues before us today.”

Bob Marshall
ADK-NFC is a chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club and welcomes members from all areas of Western New York
Our club has over 1,000 members and is active in local conservation efforts, trail maintenance, and host outings including hiking, bicycling, and paddling. We meet monthly on the second Tuesday from September through May. Our meetings include an educational session and main program featuring local conservationists, naturalist, adventurers, and leaders.

Whether you’re curious about membership, our monthly meetings, or outings, we’re here to answer any questions.