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March 2023 General Meeting

03/14/2023 @ 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Our March 14, 2023, education workshop at 6:30 pm features member Ed Kasperzek who will discuss all the basics needed to lead a successful safe and fun hike.

What was WNY like 380 million years ago?  Come to our March meeting to find out!  Geologist Dan Krisher, former head of geology of Wards Natural Science, Rochester, NY will present the following program: “New York State- 380 Million Years BCE.”  380 million years ago, Western New York was in the southern tropics and was host to a variety of life, much of it somewhat familiar to us, but some of it quite strange. The presentation will start with a brief overview of what the environment of Western New York was like back then, and will then delve into a review of the lifeforms that populated our state at the time.



6:30 PM - 9:30 PM




Amherst Community Church
77 Washington Hwy
Amherst, 14226 United States
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