Trip Report – Canoepack Trip To Killarney Provincial Park, Ont., Jul 15 – 18

We began with a six hour drive to the Bell Lake Access Point Thursday morning. A 300 meter portage to Johnnie Lake was followed with a 12 kilometer paddle through Johnnie and Carlyle Lakes to the 940 meter portage to Kakakise Lake. We camped there for two nights and hiked on the Killarney Ridge and Silver Peak sections of the LaCloche Silhouette Hiking Trail. We, negotiated terrain that reminded me of the “Gunks Ice caves hike. The destination was the “Crack”, with a good view of O.S.A. and Killarney Lakes, cradled between the white hills of Killarney Ridge and Blue Ridge to the north. To the south, we had an equally good view of the Georgian Bay. Saturday, we started back with the portage back to Terry Lake. The portage out seemed easier than on the way in. We found a wonderful campsite on Carlyle Lake. This campsite featured a rock cliff that sloped down to the water level offering various levels for jumping/diving into the lake. The campfire was also memorable with a clear nighttime sky. We paddled out on Sunday, through Johnnie Lake and took a ride into the Village of Killarney for a fish fry dinner at Herbert’s Fish Market. These trips offer a great opportunity to get to know the other in the group and discuss important world issues like camping gear and trail food preparation. Submitted by Richard Schraven

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